I Don't Feel Done

I know the last day of school was a week ago. I know I then spent the next day visiting with each and every student (plus some), and that was wonderful! However, I don't really feel like I've finished. The year doesn't feel like it should be over. I want to keep logging in to Classroom and checking in with people. I see a few students are still lingering or checking for updates or comments from friends to which to respond. I know I'm not alone.

I want to keep saying hi and offering resources or activities. (Stay tuned - the USA Science and Engineering Festival is offering a virtual event in July!) Today, I posted our classroom Prodigy class code. That has been a hit in my house this month, and I know how much students always wanted to play together in class. Maybe this is one way to get together?

I don't know if or when this school year will really feel over. I won't lie - I have enjoyed sleeping in and not having deadlines to check assignments in Classroom then add feedback in StudentVUE. I have kept busy - I've trimmed the hedges, baked an angel food cake, baked a strawberry cake and made it a rainbow (see the last post!), celebrated my daughter's birthday, talked with both of my parents, exercised and taken daily walks, looked for lightning bugs and neighborhood rabbits, and read a little bit.

I have also logged in to my computer each day to see if there are any updates. Am I looking for students saying Hi? Maybe. Am I curious about what the county is going to say about what next year is going to look like? Definitely yes. Maybe the uncertainty about next year is causing me to want to hold on to this year. It wasn't perfect, and I spent 12-14 hours a day sitting at this computer - much to the disappointment and frustration of my family - but we figured out a routine. I'm worried about what next year will bring, and we never got to really say good-bye. I guess I'm still holding on for lots of reasons. Anyone else feel that way? 
